Python Coding Key

How Can I Find the Data Type of Data How Can I Create a Tuple How Can I Create a Multiline Comment How Can I Slugify Text How Can I Measure the Length of a String How Can I Create an Empty List How Can I Get the Number of Items in a List How Can I Get the Last Item in a List How Can I Find the Smallest or Largest Items in a List How Can I Create a Set How Can I Create an Empty Set How Can I Add an Item to a Set How Can I Create a List Comprehension How Can I Find the Position of a Character or String within a String How Can I Find a Substring of a String For Loops How Can I Print a Statement Any Number of Times How Can I Split a String Based on a Delimiter How Can I Create and Call a Function How Can I Create and Work with Functions with Arguments How Can I Pass in a Default Value into a Function How Can I Convert a Decimal Number Into Binary, Octal, or Hexadecimal How Can I Create and Access a Dictionary How Can I Obtain a List of all Keys of a Dictionary How Can I Get the Smallest or Largest Value of a Dictionary How Can I Sort a Dictionary Alphabetically or Numerically How Can I Merge Dictionaries Together How Can I Replace Text in a String How Can I Check Whether a Path, File, or Directory Exists How Can I List all of the Directories of a Directory